Thursday, July 25, 2013

LXR Marketplace

A new free tool – the SEO Rank Checker – designed to simplify the lives of small retailers has just launched. Users enter keywords that are important to their business, they give their domain, and they can see where the domain ranks when people search for those keywords in Google & in Bing-- It's that easy. Get started today at

What is LXR Marketplace?
LXR Marketplace is a free web based application marketplace for small retailers. The mission of LXR Marketplace is to simplify lives of small retail marketers by providing them with free and low priced web applications for improving their online marketing management efficiency as well as campaign performance. As the e-commerce industry becomes more polarized, we believe in helping small businesses compete through knowledge, free tools, and advice.

They could also be found on FacebookTwitter & Pinterest

  • Over the past 8 years, NetElixir has managed online marketing campaigns for 200+ online retailers in 9 countries. This has given us first hand insight into what works and what doesn't. As small retailers are losing faith in the power of online marketing due to rising costs and diminishing returns there becomes a tangible need for a solution. The big challenge for small retailers is that they cannot afford expensive tools or outsourced agency management.

They offer a lot of free online marketing tools for retailers. Be sure to check them out!